Project: Trademark Building Co.
Trademark Building Company has over 10 years experience as Home Builders in Myrtle Beach and throughout the Carolinas. However, it wasn’t until this year that they decided to build themselves a website in an already stuffed online market having over 400 construction companies and sites in the Horry/Georgetown area. With such a difficult market we’ve put them on a straight away course for success. Trademark Building Company is becoming well known as an authority in Remodeling, Renovations, General Contractors and Custom Home Building in the Myrtle Beach area with a Tier-5 PBN driving traffic to their site. It’s only a matter of time and even in this huge niche we’ll be seeing some #1 rankings.
Services Provided:
Benefits From:
- CRM interfacing inneroperability
- custom look and feel
- custom map and local seo
- responsive web design